Monday, November 9, 2015

The Impact of Blogging in the Classroom

For this assignment, I will examine a variety of ways in which Blogging is utilized in the classroom. I will examine and question “The Impact of Blogging in the Classroom” and discuss student/instructor attitudes and perspectives, question if blogging has a positive/negative or neutral effect on students studies, student success and overall instructional gains. I have chosen this topic because I wish to implement blogging in my class of adult students in the near future.  I would like to know if blogging not only develops dialogue outside of the classroom, however, if it yields any real academic benefits. Do grades increase, do student attitudes about their work and work performance improve, what are the negative impacts or disadvantages of blogging, if any? These are some of the questions that I will keep in mind as I work on my research paper.     
**Please note the Bibliography section after copying and pasting from a Word document resulted in various spaces and would not align correctly when double spaced and placed on the blogging site. . 

                                                      Annotated Bibliography

Glogoff, S. (2005).  Instructional Interactivity, Student- Centered Learning, and Peer Input. Innovate: Journal of Online Education,1(5). Retrieved from
This article discusses how blogging is used as a communication tool, and how it allows the student to have his or her own platform in which they can voice their opinions, and comments about a particular subject. The author regards blogging as a tool to be used as effective technology in the classroom and the author gives suggestions for blogging. I will include this journal article in my research because it discusses student feedback about blogging and the changes that were made by the instructor because of student comments.

Ellison, N .& Wu, Y. (2008). Blogging in the Classroom: A Preliminary Exploration of Student Attitudes and Impact on Comprehension. Journal of Educational Multimedia and  Hypermedia, 17(1), 99-122. Chesapeake, VA: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE).
The article discusses whether blogging contributes to student comprehension or any other academic gains. In addition, student comments and perceptions of blogging are discussed. I am including this article in my research because it specifically discusses guidelines for instructors who desire to use blogging in their classroom.

Ferdig, R. & Trammell, K. (2004). Content Delivery in “Blogosphere”. T H E Journal (Technological Horizons in Education) 31(7) retrieved from
The article describes the advantages of blogging as a social venue and as a way to publicize students’ knowledge. I have chosen this article because it addresses the  social interaction of blogging being instrumental in teaching and learning.  

Maag, M. (2005). The Potential Use of “Blogs in Nursing Education. CIN: Computers, Informatics, Nursing, (23) 1 16-24 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins Inc.
The article discusses blogging for health care professionals and student nurses.  I have decided to incorporate this article in my research because it discusses how nursing students may be able to use blogging as a resource tool. However, the article goes on to state that blogging has not been found to be documented as an effective educational tool by instructors. This article may be able to bring to light a different perspective of student blogging in a health related profession.

Hunerford-Kresser, H., Wiggins J. and Amaro-Jiminez, C. (2011). Learning From Our Mistakes: What Matters When Incorporating Blogging in the Content Area Literacy Classroom. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, (55) 326-335.doi: 10.1002/JAAL.00039
The article examines blogging among different subject areas of middle school teachers. Student perspectives are also examined and the article provides information for teachers who want to pursue  practice and guidelines.

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